Forward subscription events to Amplitude

Need deeper subscription analytics? Seamlessly push subscription events, such as free trial activations, purchases, renewals, and more, to Amplitude. Build analytics on top of them in Amplitude.
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In-app-purchase events

Easy integration for sending events

Add one line of code to enable Amplitude integration. Manage event mapping without app releases.
Events Integration

Send user properties about the subscription state

Adapty sends profile properties such as Subscription State and Subscription Product to make things easier when analyzing in Amplitude.
User Attribution Monthly Basic

Send revenue or proceeds

Report gross revenue, revenue after taxes (VAT) or net proceeds after App Store/Google Play cut and taxes.
Convenient Taxes

Forward subscription events without coding

Send these or any other of the 18 events to Amplitude.
The full list can be found in the documentation.
The user has activated a subscription without a trial period i.e. he was billed instantly.
The user has canceled a subscription and it is completely finished.
The user has activated a trial subscription.
The trial has expired without converting to a subscription.
The user turned on subscription auto-renewal during the trial period.
A subscription was refunded (e.g. by Apple support).
A subscription was renewed and the user was charged. For both trial and non-trial subscriptions, this event is sent starting from the second billing.
A trial period has ended and the user was billed, i.e. first purchase was made.
Any non-subscription purchase e.g. lifetime access or consumable product such as coins.
An attempt to charge the user was made, but a billing issue happened. Usually, it means the user doesn't have enough card balance.
The payment was not successful and the user entered into a grace period. The user still has access to the premium features of your app until the grace period is finished.
A user turned off subscription auto-renewal during the trial. A user still has access to the premium features of your app until the end of the trial period.
A user turned on subscription auto-renewal during the trial period.
A user turned off subscription auto-renewal. A user still has access to the premium features of your app until the end of the subscription period.
A user turned on subscription auto-renewal.
Non-subscription purchase was refunded.
User activated subscription pause (Android only).
A user's subscription has been deferred, ie they were granted free usage time (Android only). Usually, it happens in response to an API call from your servers.
User's access level updated (Webhook only).
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One-click integrations

Forward subscription events to analytics, attribution, and ad services without coding.
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